samedi 13 décembre 2014

DSDTune Questions

New to all this dsd decoder stuff. Im running dsdplus 1.05 to create my raw audio file. I have some questions about using dsdtune to tune dsdplus.

1) The frequency I want analyzed (+DMR) is hard to get voice over 5-10 seconds long because there isnt much goes on there. Therefore most of the raw audio file is not voice embeded but just an empty digital signal. Im supposed to have about 60 seconds of raw audio for dsdtune to analyze. Does it have to be mostly voice embedded or can it just be nothing or does it matter?

2) The digital signal doesn't stay on constantly but comes on and goes off every few seconds (When nothing is going on) leaving some static in between the DMR signals in the raw audio file. Does this affect the way dsdtune analyzes it or does that matter? It doesnt seem to affect dsdplus decoding any.

3) Playing around with dsdtune it shows you the info when it tests the different switches:

Checking option -dd

Running dsdplus.exe -o0 -O NUL -dr4 -dh8 -ds53 -ddXXX ? DSDPlus-Raw-Input_2014-12-13@010659.wav

best value of 78838 with -dd3

What is 78838 referring to? I know its something to do with decoding rate but what. Is there a minimum and maximum value you can get? Ive seen it as low as 30000 with different raw audio files.

DSDTune Questions

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