mardi 30 décembre 2014

From Uniden Reguarding the BCD536HP

Despite the lack of visible progress, we have been working to get a releasable app out. I had really hoped to have something we could shove into your stocking for the holidays, but it doesn't look like that will happen. Our estimate for release is to have a V1 iPhone/iPad app (with supporting firmware for the dongle and scanner) by the February time frame. It is possible that before that time I will be able to release an open beta version for you to try at your own risk, but that is not guaranteed. We'll then put a developer onto the Android/Amazon platform, but I do not yet have a development schedule put together for this (and since I use Android/Amazon and not Apple, I'm eager for this, as well). Firmware-wise, our next focus will be to complete the analysis functionality for both the BCD436HP and BCD536HP. Some work has been done on this, but it will take much more to have a release. We expect to release this in the March time frame. As with the app, we might have something to try, sooner. Following that, we will have continuing improvements and enhancements to the app-supporting and other codebase in the scanner that will provide remote access capability (without using a fixed IP address on the scanner...I believe you'll be able to remotely access it in V1 if you know how to put it on a fixed IP), full menu navigation, and more (like f/w and db updates w/o having to use Sentinel). I actually have a firmware development roadmap that goes into 2016 for these models. Not all the deliverables on the roadmap have been approved for development, but I'm pushing to get as much as I can into these models. Despite the release of some other models, I expect these two to be our flagship handheld and mobile platforms for many years. Upon release of the V1 app, I will also release the protocol/API so that 3rd party developers can also work on their own apps for direct access of the scanner w/o a PC. We finally feel like we are not being held hostage by our vendor...we have dongle firmware that appears to be stable, functional, usable...I've run out of 'ables, but seems like there should be more. This has not be our greatest year. That said, we at Uniden cannot nearly apologize enough for the delays in adding this functionality. We know that it has hurt our relationship with you and has eroded your trust in us. We thank you for your patience and understanding (and, believe me, we do understand those of you who have not been quite as patient and understanding). Please enjoy your holidays. Look forward to a great new year. Sincerely, The Entire Uniden Development Team

From Uniden Reguarding the BCD536HP

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