jeudi 27 novembre 2014

Voice Following in UniTrunker


Originally Posted by Unitrunker (Post 2279820)

There's a bugs preventing the Chase feature from working right. It's being worked on and should be ready in the next release due out - in a week or so.

I can't get the voice channel to "hop" off 0HZ to the next control channel frequency. I have UniTrunker v1.0.29.5. I'm using two R820Ts for signal & voice. I've checked the Enable box in the main options window and I have the Chase box checked in the voice receiver. I'm just trying to get UniTrunker to work alone.

I was concerned that the SDRSharp plugin might have screwed up Unitrunker standalone so I I've removed Remote.DLL from the Unitrunker folder. Could the plugin have made other changes to UniTrunker?

Maybe I'm jumping the gun and this is a known problem to be addressed in a subsequent release but I am still curious because this is such an obvious problem.



Voice Following in UniTrunker

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