jeudi 12 février 2015

Socialism and freedom

In particular, press freedom.

Reporters without borders has released their 2015 Press Freedom Index and some of you might be surprised to learn that the top counties for press freedoms are also some of the most socialist in existence. They are polar opposite for everything the flag-waving politicians in this country stand for. Investment into their people. Things like education and healthcare and social safety nets. They also tend to stay out of the international conflicts and wars that make our country so loathed.

Our ultra "free" country with all our fabulous liberties ranges 49 out of 180 for press freedom. This takes into account violence and harassment to journalists and news gatherers

The US ranks just below Burkina Faso, Niger and Malta.

Next time some Fox News personality tells you that universal healthcare will take away your freedom, just remember, it's the corporations that dictate public policy in this country. They also dictate what you will and will not hear about in the media.

2015 World Press Freedom Index

Ronald Reagan misled the public.

Socialism and freedom

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