dimanche 11 janvier 2015

Somerset County P25

Here is one for the books! I was on my HP-1 Homepatrol this morning, doing a discovery analysis of Somerset County P25 700 Simulcast System. While monitoring the system I observed an irregularity for which I can't explain. The system was relitively quiet for a Sunday morning as usual. Than a Hit stood out which I didn't recognize at first (Dec # 743) Hillsborough PD Dispatch. I verified that is a phase ll system?????

I got out of discovery, and created a new channel just for that site. For the past hour I'm receiving both sides of the transmissions from Hillsborough. 'Stranger than truth'

How can I be receiving that system on a Homepatrol-1 ???

Any help, Please!

Thanks, Dave

Somerset County P25

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