vendredi 12 septembre 2014

Urgent help - anyone monitoring allen/plano pd pawn this past week

Hello all RR enthusiasts,

I am a radio enthusiast myself, KG5BDB, but was injured in a massive four car pile up on Tuesday,

09-SEP-14 at approximately 1530 hours driving southbound I75 aka North Central Expressway.

Does anyone out there have a radio or audio log of that time frame for the PAWM (Plano, Allen, Wylie and Murphy) networks and the PD dispatch talk groups? I'm trying to determine why the cars were stopped in the road already (did they have a breakdown or a prior accident). I ended up on the backend of it and totaled my car I owned for only a month too (besides it catching on fire so the FD talk group might have it too).

If anyone out there can help me or heard the transmission on the PAWM FD or PD talk groups of Allen and/or Plano, I would appreciate it very much. What. I really need is a recorded audio log, but if any of you heard this and have the text print log of this - that would be appreciated as well.

Thank you all RR members,

Brian - KG5BDB

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