lundi 15 septembre 2014

WS-1080/PSR-800 scan list

Please help. I have manually programed my new 1080, the programmed it using EZ scan, but with same problem

I have enabled scanlists 1, 2, and 3. The check boxes are checked, both in the scanner and on the software. List 1 is LAPD, list 2 is LASO, and list 3 is LA Cities.

Checked software and scanner, and all the channels (conventional) are listed in the appropriate lists.

But whenever I press Scan, only Scan list 1 loads up, and none of the other lists or channels on them are scanned. If I just check 2 or 3 or 2 and 3, If I only check 1, 1 loads fine, if I check 1, 2, and 3, only 1 loads.

Thought in might be a "default thing" but when set default to list 2 or 3, same thing, only list 1 loads.

Am I missing something basic here.

Please help.

Steve AA6IO

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