samedi 13 septembre 2014

San Antonio Military TRS updates

I thought I would try to update the San Antonio Military TRS db page. I live near Randolph. Here is what I have heard from the Randolph site. If you live near any of the other sites could you help update the db with any changes.

56864 RAFB Fire/Crash CH-1

56880 RAFB Fire/Crash CH-2

57008 RAFB Ground Control

57024 RAFB Aircraft Maintenance and Avionics

57072 RAFB Aircraft Maintenance Operations

57104 RAFB Fuel Operations

57136 RAFB Transportation Busses

57216 RAFB Airfield Operations Primary

unknown new talkgroups

57088 RAFB Maint

57232 RAFB unknown

57248 RAFB unknown



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