jeudi 13 novembre 2014

Stay away from WOUXUN


After a nine month battle with Wouxun, there radio failed and they refuse to replace or refund there product. Do not buy their radios; they will not stand behind them. Customer service is absolutely poor.

I bought this radio in January of 2014 from a dealer that was retiring and was liquidating his inventory. The radio was a Fall 2013 version which was the newest at the time and had a one year factory warranty. I was advise that if there were any issues that Wouxun would take care of it.

I received the radio, installed it and programmed it up. Everything was working fine for approximate 6 weeks. Then one day I tried to transmit on the radio and no one was hearing me. The receive was fine but no one could hear me. So I put it on a meter and the radio was transmitting way less than a half a watt, after a friend of mine examined the radio it was determined the driver went bad and the radio had no transmit power.

So I contacted the dealer I bought the radio from and he put me in contact with Wouxun direct so they can fix the problem.

After several emails back and forth I was not getting anywhere with them to fix the radio. When I was at the International Wireless conference in Las Vegas in March I even tried to talk to the people from Wouxun to see if we could fix the problem, basically we couldn’t understand each other and they took my contact information.

Sometime after more than dozens of emails later, they agreed to send me a replacement PCM at a cost of $45 shipping that I had to pay. (Great warranty right). I received that in about three weeks, I got the package and got everything put back together and reinstalled in my truck. The radio now does not program with the software. I tried every software that they have on their website. NO luck!!! Ugh!

So here goes the emails again. Dozens and dozens more, they try to work through so many solutions that do not work as usual.

Well sometime in June they refer me to another Wouxun dealer state side, they wanted me to ship the radio to them, which I did at $15 my cost. Once that dealer received the radio they did verify that there was a problem with the radio and it needed another PCM.

Now this was in June, They got the PCM from Wouxun in October. Installed it and I guess still had problems communicating with the radio. Then…as per the work order, they got it to program with some sort of software on a disk. So they shipped me the radio back and software on this disk…um ok. O the radio now has bent volume knobs by the way. It was not liked this when I shipped it to them.

Soooo.. I get the radio try to program it again and it does NOT program still! So I try loading this “special” software they sent me that suppose to work. Right! After I load this software onto my PC, it looks like nothing more than the regular software that they have online, but the stuff they sent me looks like a blank excel sheet. All the lettering is missing from the software. O and it still does not work.

So I email Wouxun again and explain everything to them, they copy the repair facility to try to figure out what’s wrong. The repair facility stated it was programming fine when they had it on the bench and I had to use the software that sent me, which is not even the right software since I sent it to Wouxun and they said it was the wrong version. So someone is lying here……Bottom line is that this repair facility did not want to get in the middle of this since they did not sell me the radio. Wouxun more or less dumped this on their lap.

So after several more emails back and forth Wouxun said that I could pay for another PCM to be shipped to me. I said hell no!! I am not dumping anymore money into this thing. I have paid way too much to get this fix. I either need a total new replacement or refund.

They denied me and said no that they could not help me anymore. So I’m SOL and out of $335. Great!

Bottom line, their radios are junk and even though there is a warranty, they do not stand behind it. No wonder why so many Wouxun dealers are dropping the products. Even when I talk to some of the dealers, they have issues working with the company and Wouxun expects the dealer to absorb most of the repair cost and replacement.

They are a cheap product!!!!! Stay away!!!!!!!

PS - I have all the emails saved about this as my proof.

Stay away from WOUXUN

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