jeudi 6 mars 2014

Gama Test Team: Uniden Home Patrol - P25 / Simlucast FINDINGS

Gama Test Team Initial Findings - Testing in Progress

P25 and Simulcasts in the 850 MHz

Uniden Users with Home Patrol (HP-1) and Perhaps the Newer X386 Products (as we do-not have the new models) might try this and again 536/436 might have this option - do not know...

Recently our area in Northeast Tarrant County (DFW) in Texas cut-over to a new Motorola P25 System that is on three (3) Towers in Simulcast mode. This is a 850 MHZ System and that is the ONLY area we want to listen and test with in this discussion. Keep it real simple...

As expected some real changes in perception and reality.

First the infamous Voice Quality (bassy - tin) is as advertised much harder for some (not all) to hear and get accustomed to over weeks.

Then the on-going and much discussed P25 Decode with the additive Simulcasting situation (issues) which often leads to missed transmission, speech-garble and drop-outs and the resultant Dispatch and-or end-users not using the Mic properly at times as a bonus.

We, like most tried the OPEN Squelch and turning Off Search Capabilities with some marginal improvements. We used both the Stock and External Antenna Configurations with generally a bit of improvement (as expected) on the external Antenna(s) - we tried more than one and different locations...

Then we tried something a bit Radical that we want to share with HP-1 and perhaps might be worth a Test on the other Uniden Models (especially the new ones) that Support P25.

Again - this is-not a "fix all" and test are in-progress so wanted your consideration to test same, if your scanner can be re-configured as I will note in a second....

First - Any Changes are at your-Own Risk!

Second - Back up All Systems / FAVS / Files / Audio / Freq whatsoever prior to attempting anything noted as this is a GAMA TEST.

Lastly, for those of us with reading or comprehension issues, see items one and two above until you "get it" please....At your own risk - Back it Up or Risk Losing all data..

Here what we did on the HP-1 (Home Patrol) and again - Testing in Progress:

In the HP-1 in ADVANCED Settings we went to the BAND PLAN Section, which either by "Default" or via RR-db Download had Band Plan 0 (Zero) in the 700 MHZ Range and at 6.25 NB.

We then DELETED this 700 MHZ Band Plan.

Next we went to the only other active Band Plan - Band Plan1which was 851.nnnn at 6.25 KHz

We DELETED That Band Plan.

NOW for the NEW Configs:

We entered NEW "Discrete" Plan Plans - One Each for EACH of the System Control Channels and Voice Channels and all set at 6.25 KHz. Meaning we entered each Frequency as a "Band PLan" with 6.25 Khz.

Thus, we now have TEN (10) Band Plans ( 0-9) that are each at 6.25 Khz wide.

Initial results:

The set up using the Stock Antenna has perceived much better reception on this specific 850 Mhz P25 Simulcast System. We have what appears to be more clear reception on the audio. We do still have some amount of 'voice-garble' with the Search ON - So more testing needed with Squelch, Search and then later to external antenna...bandwidth configs...

Just wanted to share this and it may or may-not have a huge bearing on your specific P25 (SIMO) situation nor is it clear on the internal software / hardware interactions this Band Plan Change made as we are not privy to those areas of Engineering / Design...

We will also test the bandwidth by decreasing / increasing...more test...test and Test..

If you have the capabilities you might try this and see if it makes a difference and post meaningful (fact based) responses would be appreciated. Back your gear up prior...


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