lundi 2 février 2015

Tonsoffun mast build grounding questions

Hello everyone,

I'm planning on building a tilt over antenna mast based on Tonsoffun's design shown on the wiki page. This is my first mast project, and up until now my antennas have been simple roof mounts that haven't been grounded. This mast is goint up on a hill that is 125 ft from my house in the middle of an open field.

I have a few questions that I'm hoping to get help with.

The mast looks pretty simple to build. I'll probably go with 2 1/2" pipe instead of 2" for the base.

Question #1 Mast grounding

The mast is too far away from the house to tie in with the house electrical grounding. Ok to pound an 8' copper clad rod into the ground at the site and connect the mast to that? Any other suggestions?

Question #2 Cable grounding.

I'm going use a 125 ft run of Draka RFA 1/2”-50ohm cable. Should I put the in-line lightning protector between the antenna and main cable run (grounding the protector to the mast), or should the protector be placed on the house side of the cable run (grounding the protector to the home electrical ground).

Or am I going about this altogether wrong?

Thanks for your input.

Tonsoffun mast build grounding questions

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