mercredi 25 février 2015

Pro-651 Problum

Hello , I have recently bought a Radio Shack Pro-651 scanner. I am new to the web site and scanning. I am an old fellow and some times this new Technology gets over my head quick.

While manually entering some Talk groups into it yesterday I all of a sudden started getting this on the screen.

(Heap Error 25F125 : 25F8) Now any button I push I keep getting this Error. The scanner will start scanning Convential stations when first turned on but when you push any button for any thing it gives you this message.

Is there any manual way to fix this ???? Or am I just out of luck ???? Surely if you can program this scanner manually you should be able fix it the same way. I am not to Tech savy. So manual would seem to be best for me.

TNX a bunch.

TNX A Bunch

Pro-651 Problum

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