mercredi 12 novembre 2014

P25 Quantar repeater and supplementary services


I have a 25-watt VHF P25 Quantar repeater that I am trying to get set up and configured for amateur radio P25 use (145.2375, 0x293). Right now, it is running into a dummy load (well, it is running into a WaCom duplexer whose antenna port is connected to a dummy load). For now, once I get an antenna, it'll still be limited coverage to around the west side of the City of Littleton area because the antenna is going to be mounted in my attic (condo HOA restrictions). Maybe I can get a free host site in the mountains overlooking Denver someday, but I'm not seeing that in my immediate future.

That all aside, I am trying to figure out why my repeater is repeating voice transmissions but does not seem to pass call alerts (pages) or unit-to-unit call requests (private calls). I don't have the programming software or the Quantar code plug in front of me at the moment, but there was a setting in the configuration to enable repeating packet transmissions which I have chosen "enabled". I would have thought that doing so would have enabled call alert and unit call. But the only way I can get a U2U call request or a page to work is to put the subscriber unit radios into talk-around.

If anybody has specific knowledge in how to configure a Quantar to repeat U2U call requests, call alerts, etc., over the air, I'd love to hear from you and I await your specific questions about how I have configured the code plug or specific questions about my repeater's features. Or, I could email you my code plug.

Anyways, if anybody could help me out figure out what I have misconfigured, I'd really appreciate the assistance. We could either work this in the forum, or by private message to keep the thread noise to a minimum.

Thanx in advance!

P25 Quantar repeater and supplementary services

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