jeudi 13 novembre 2014

BCD996XT Be on the lookout for this unreturned BCD996XT scanner

Please be on the lookout for a BCD996XT scanner with the serial number of 360Z38003135. It was last in the possession of Sean L. Moody who resides in Kennesaw, GA.

I consult for a company that Moody was employed at. Upon separation with the company the scanner was not returned. Multiple attempts to collect the items failed. Kennesaw PD was notified but advised it was a civil matter.

It's a long shot, but hopefully someone will Google the serial number and find this thread. The start up screen was programmed with the company's name and phone number. Should you happen to come across it, please call that number or contact me through this forum. Compensation will be offered for the return.

Thank you.

BCD996XT Be on the lookout for this unreturned BCD996XT scanner

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