jeudi 13 novembre 2014

BCD536HP Love my 536

In the 70's my dad worked at the Midland TX fire department.he had a Realistic Patrolman 7B then the 90's I bought the Uniden Bear-cat BC700A.Well December 20/13 I went to our local hospital cause I was a smoker. Was no more. they checked my oxygen it was 79 didn't take them long to get me in and work on me...I had double pneumonia after being in a regular room Monday morning the 23rd they rush me to ICU as I stopped breathing they put me on a ventilator.and induced coma.I then caught A.R.D.S they got rid of that and took me off the vent January 13th/14 I stopped breathing again and they re vented me...and had to have my heart shocked back into rhythm then a few days later i started swelling I had a blood pressure would be 230/160 then 60/40...I got out of ICU 40 days later and went to rehab therapy I could not even hold a cup and get a drink or move my legs...I now suffer from some depression and PTSD...They called in the family 4 times and said I probably wouldn't make it...OK I have not messed with my old bear-cat due to our local pd going digital. While my stay in the hospital I had some good and bad dreams.I also lost my left eye. I'm looking at face book while in my room resting at therapy and seen a scanner add about the 536 I told my wife look and she said what..I said I want this.Well when i got home 30 days later I come in the house and this package was setting on the table well I be darn it was the 536 so 3 days laater I hook it up and got her going I had to do some research and thanks for this site and upmans videos and post here I just want to say love the scanner and cant wait for the app to be ready...I rather the app to be ready then rushed and have problems....Hope every one has a safe thanksgiving and be safe!!!

BCD536HP Love my 536

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