jeudi 6 mars 2014

Silent Transmissions in Lake Dallas, TX

Hey all,

Please excuse my newbishness... I was down in Lake Dallas recently and tuned in to 158.955 and adjusted my DCS to D074N as mentioned in the RR Database. I seemed to be able to pick up something but all I could hear is silence every time. The activity had a variable duration and seemed to be in clusters. Every once in a while I'd being receiving something, but no sound would come out of my radio.

My assumption is that this is due to encryption, but I assume this in light of my ignorance when it comes to radios at the current moment. Did my tone need adjustment? Are the transmissions encrypted? Or...?

I'm trying to familiarize myself with radios as best as I can to satisfy my curiosity. Out of curiosity, and at times when there's minimal repeater chatter, I'm always trying to listen in to Police, Fire, or other Emergency frequencies, mainly due to the fact that I'm confident they'll typically have a consistent level of activity.

Anyway, any help would be great. Thanks! :)

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