jeudi 6 mars 2014

Motorola to baofeng 888s

Hello all. First post and very new to the radio hobby so apologies if this is the wrong forum.

I have a set of baofeng 888s radios I use with my family for camping. I had no issue setting them up on the right frequencies. I have software that allows me to set up a profile and program them. They work great.

Now I want to use a couple at the school I work in.

I have a member of staff who isnt very well and i want them to have a radio on a temporary basis.

The school has a licence and a set of aging Motorola's. Sorry, no model no.

The vendor that leases the radios provided a list of RX frequencies. However when I programmed them into the baofeng I could receive but not transmit. Also some channels have the same frequency numbers but I know they transmit on different channels through my use of them daily at school. When I mentioned this to the vendor they said something about the frequencies being the same but the tones being different.

I don't understand that.

I guess I could buy a USB to 2 pin cable, find some software that reads the Motorola and hopefully use that information to manually set up the baofeng.

Its frustrating because we have a legal paid for licence. The leasing company are not keen on us using the baofeng radios citing the lack of a kite mark being an infringement that could lead to a fine. Should I worry?

But Ive read several schools use baofengs and at £15 each I'd rather use one I have already on a temporary basis than pay £100 for another Motorola.

I don't have enough info or knowledge to include this radio.

Can you advise please?



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