jeudi 6 mars 2014

Low Band Californian Frequencies

Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone can help. I'm a scanner skip enthusiast living here in the north of Ireland and I'm looking for low band frequencies from CA to target when atmospheric conditions are favourable.

Seems the southern part of the state comes in well here when conditions allow.

Can anyone post some low band freqs with confirmed PL tones that might be of use? Maybe business or utility freqs. The CHP ones are well known over here and the database here has a few low band entries but theres a lot missing.

Anyone got frequencies for the water services in Southern Cal on 37 mhz? I have heard one of these on 37.86 with a tone of D712.

Any info at all would be helpful - if its a loud, busy channel particularly.

Yesterday brought the following receptions here:

39.400 C162.2 17:02:46 WPHM445, San Diego, CA, CHP Traffic 05/03/2014

39.220 C192.8 17:10:43 KMA801, South Los Angeles, CA, CHP Traffic 05/03/2014

31.140 C123.0 17:10:05 KMA672, San Francisco, CA, Municipal Rail Traffic 05/03/2014 (in and out until after 1900 local)

Recording here:

39.360 C162.2 17:26:34 WPPD852, San Juan Capistrano, CA, CHP Traffic 05/03/2014

39.140 C162.2 17:27:25 WPGX917, Southern CA, CHP, Traffic 05/03/2014

39.400 C186.2 17:28:39 KTN273, Santa Fe Springs, CA, CHP Traffic 05/03/2014

39.680 C118.8 17:29:18 KDG272, Riverside, CA, CHP Traffic 05/03/2014

39.520 C173.8 17:36:40 WPYP239, Orange County, CA, CHP Traffic 05/03/2014

Any info would be very gratefully received

Paul Logan

Lisnaskea, Ireland

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