dimanche 9 mars 2014

BCD436HP Favorites scan speed

I don't know if I am doing something wrong or what.

I have been creating favorites lists because I do not like the entire database scan option on the 436.

The scan speed seems much slower using the favorites list. Is it just me or is this an actual issue?

I was watching the screen and it took several seconds (about 4.5) to get through a favorite list that included 12 talkgroups on my county system (scanning both system sites) and five conventional channels. Some of the other favorites lists took only a second or two to pass and they are each scanning just a couple of talkgroups and 3-5 conventionals each. So far, all talkgroups I am scanning are on the same trunked system. Some of the favorites lists are set to scan both sites, some are set to scan just one because that's the only one the talkgroups utilize typically.

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