jeudi 6 mars 2014

BCD396XT P25 decode reset ?

Scanner-Uniden BCD396XT

Monitoring Ohio MARCS Greene County Simulcast from the southwest part of my county.

Ok, so Im new to listening to MARCS IP and I don’t know the lingo yet so bear with me. My question is.. IF I mess with the P25 audio decode level adjustments and screw things up, is there a way to reset my scanner P25 settings back to factory defaults?

This is a simulcast system and the audio quality is lacking for me. The audio sounds kind of like robots and cuts in & out. I know I’m sometimes missing one side of the conversation, and what is motor-boating because I think I got that too. I currently have my scanner set to the auto setting and after monitoring for several min. the display shows a threshold setting of 7.

I’ve read several threads and WIKI’s but have not found my reset answer, that is unless I have to reset everything and lose all my data. I use Freescan so I can reload everything but don’t want to change the settings in Freescan for every data file save. I also tried setting the Attenuate to on for that system and I got no radio traffic coming thru so I switched it back to off.

So any suggestions how to improve the audio quality for my monitoring this system are welcome along with my original question about the reset to default.

Thank you.


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