mercredi 18 mars 2015

Unable to load TriCntyMetroTran - Help

I'm in the Portland area, using Freescan on BCD996XT

I downloaded the info from my scanner, then locked out 2 groups (not TriMet) that I am having trouble receiving.

When I try to upload the modified file to the scanner, It always fails at the same place with a message: "Failed adding group TriCntyMetroTran and Unable to store TGID, COMMS error or scanner out of memory"

I know the scanner is not out of memory - it shows 2% used.

The error message I get says to report this error to the Freescan Yahoo group - does that still exist?

Can anyone give me any tips?

I have tried uploading everything except the system that contains these frequencies - that worked. Then I tried uploading just the problem system - fails with the same messages.

The odd thing is that these frequencies were working fine before I tried locking out the Newberg ones that I don't receive well.

Unable to load TriCntyMetroTran - Help

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