samedi 28 mars 2015

TYT UVF10 - a few questions.

Greetings all !

I'd just like to clear up a few questions about these rigs.

(For once, it's not about formats / codecs etc, that's all sorted out).

1) Does the UVF10 have a clock ? If so does it work properly ! My Zastone is a joke. Gains 3 hours

in an hour and makes the checking of the text messages a bit of a pain when they are time important.

I can't stand crap clocks ;-)

2) I read somewhere that someone claimed the VHF rx was deaf, can anyone confirm this ?

I managed to get the software for this rig finally installed. Very odd as it would only let enter UHF


Yet I downloaded on this forum a set up file and as if by magic the VHF frequencies are programmable.

What the heck is all this about ?

73 de Andy G0FTD

TYT UVF10 - a few questions.

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