mardi 17 mars 2015

BCDx36HP Why is Profiles always saved the same

I was trying to create two different profiles but they are always the same. I created a profile on 03-15-15 in which that is what I "Save as" for future reference. Now I created a new profile today and used "Save as" again with a profile name of 03-17-15. Now if I open the profile 03-15-15 to "Edit" or just to view it is exactly the same as profile 03-17-15. Everything that I have created in 03-17-15 is automatically opened up in 03-15-15 in which that is not what I want.

When I use FreeScan with my 396T I could always save "Profiles" and they would save differently. For instance if I would like to share a "Profile" 03-15-15 with someone how could I do that without sending 03-17-15 because that is the way Sentinel saves it?

Sorry to be so confusing. If there is a way to save them differently I'm just not aware of it.

BCDx36HP Why is Profiles always saved the same

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