mercredi 18 mars 2015

Alinco NXDN

At IWCE today, the small Alinco booth had a NXDN capable portable radio on display.


UHF 450-520MHz only. No VHF version was mentioned. The 450-520 band split was the only one, so unless it goes out of band, amateurs are out of luck. Considering it's Alinco, I'd expect to see something that would cover 70cm...

6.25KHz digital and 12.5KHz analog were the only listed modes. 8K50F3E was the emission designator for the "12.5KHz analog", so they seem to be following this odd spec from the Chinese manufacturers. I'm not familiar with the multitude of Chinese radios, so I'm not sure if this is a duplicate of one of the existing chassis.

Documentation showed it as a "prototype", but it looked pretty complete. There was only one, so I did't get to do much more than hold it.

It's a short/fat little radio. Seems to be aimed at low/mid level commercial users.

No trunking, but did list MDC1200 as one of the functions.

"Available around Summer 2015" and "FCC-IC approvals to be granted" on the glossy sheet.

A lot of Chinese manufacturers there this year, way more than last year. Seemed like just about all of them had a DMR capable radio. I'm not a big fan of the Chinese brands, but it's pretty clear they're really pushing the market. Most of them are pretty good looking radios, but still look like "disposable-if-they-break" types. There was one of them (don't ask me to remember their name) that was P25 capable.

None of these were on par with Motorola/Kenwood/EFJohnson, but it's clear they are eyeing the US market.

Alinco NXDN

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