jeudi 1 mai 2014

Trouble with listening in Fayetteville Area

My wife gave me a BCD996XT for my birthday. This is my first ever scanner so I'm very new to the lingo and concepts.

I have jumped in and read as much as I could on these forums. I also bought the Easier to Read manual, downloaded both FreeScan and ProScan (I prefer ProScan's interface) and purchased a subscription to Radio Reference.

I've been fairly successful in setting up the scanner, and can listen to Fayetteville PD and FD which are both on the AWIN system. I can also hear the Washington County EMS Dispatch, Johnson FD, Tonitown PD.

I haven't had any luck in being able to hear the State Police (Troop L operating out of Springdale) or Washington County Sheriffs Office. I've had some limited success with the UAPD.

As to my troubles hearing the State Police I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I programmed all the local towers into the scanner and added the various AWIN talk groups I was interested in. But i'm not hearing anything. The towers I loaded in were: Rogers/Springdale/West Fork/Combs/Fayetteville Simulcast.

If it matters, I'm just using the stock antenna that comes out the back of the scanner.

Can anyone help me out?

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