jeudi 1 mai 2014

TG 3402 Sikeston on Montgomery Cty ???

NOT SURE WHAT IS happening with MOSWIN. I am in the St Louis area . I am getting Sikeston, tg 3402 on the Montgomery Cty Frequencies. I have Montgomery Cty MOSWIN as a site, along with Troop C, Troop f, Troop I. I get Troop F though Gasconade Cty which sort of makes sense but Sikeston through Montgomery does not make sense. Sometimes Troop I comes through Gasconade. Getting Troop F through WaRREN cTY SITE. Possibly the Washington Cty Shirley site might get Sikeston, as its alittle close to Sikeston but jumping across other sites does not make sense. The frequencies I am refering to are the MOSWIN frequencies for each county. Radio is a 396xt, outside antenna dual band diamond 6.5 dbd.

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