lundi 26 janvier 2015

Is My RadioID based scanning wish flawed?

Background: My County System Shares Talk Groups with up to 4 towns so I end up hearing a lot of traffic I don't want. I thought about adding RID's just to get my home town.

I was thinking about putting all 200 possible Radio ID's into my 536HP in order to eliminate the 4 other towns that share the same talk group. After sourcing a list of ID's I see my town is 51800-51999 in their range of radio's. But I got to thinking... County Dispatch uses a whole different set of RID's. If they use random ID's than my idea isn't going to work as I would have to put in all of those ID's as well and I would hear the dispatch side of the other 4 towns. If the Dispatch only uses certain ID's to talk to my town's than I guess I'd just have to add those ID's as well. Now I'm over thinking it and thinking dispatch must have unique ID's to talk to my town otherwise my towns patrol cars would hear the other town's dispatch as well. Maddening.

This is the Morris County Public Safety System (Northern, NJ)

I guess I'll take a look at the ID's this afternoon and see what I find.

Interested in hearing from those who have some RID experience.


Is My RadioID based scanning wish flawed?

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