dimanche 25 janvier 2015

BC144XL Help

Greetings, I am kinda new to this whole streaming audio feed provider. Like I said above I have a BC144XL that was given to me and that is the scanner I am broadcasting. I am using K1PHV's ScannerCast RR Edition V0.14 (10307) on my Dell Inspiron 17R (N7110) I'm using a standard AUX cord. I can provide more info if needed.

The Problem:

For about the last month to month and a half (and it's been getting worse) every time someone keys up their radio my computer's built in speakers make this awful staticy screeching noise or a popping static even with the speakers turned down or off the sound remains, every once in a while if I listen closely I can make out what they are saying (or maybe thats the voices in my head lol)

BC144XL Help

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