jeudi 19 mars 2015

Will Whistler survive in the scanner market?

Radio Shack scanners (made by Whistler) are being dumped on the market at bargain basement prices - RS stores selling the PRO-668 for $150, being re-sold on EBay as low as $159.

It seems to me that the market is being saturated with cheap scanners (which are identical to the Whistler branded models).

This not only affects the possible price (who in their right mind will pay for the same radio that says "Whistler" for $500 when you can buy it on ebay for $150) but also the scanner hobby market will be totally saturated for a while. People who could not afford to pay $500 for a digital scanner can now buy two for that money and have $$ left over.

So, between a saturated and sated market, and the fact that RS owes them money, will Whistler survive at all, much less keep selling scanners?


Will Whistler survive in the scanner market?

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