mardi 11 novembre 2014

King of Hammers

Hey all, I know that this racing event is a few months out but it's a big event so people are probably well in the planning stages of attendance.

Here is a list of frequencies and PL's that are used by Rescue 3 and District 37 for coordination and EMS stuff.

Here goes:

RACES (Rescue 3) and HAMMERS (King of the hammers)

Rescue 3 (all simplex, one repeated)

R3 R1 155.295 PL- 91.5

R3 R2 155.175 PL- 91.5

R3 R3 154.515 PL- 91.5

R3 R4 153.140 PL- 91.5

R3 R5 151.925 PL- 110.9

RESCUE 3 RPT out 155.175- in 150.175 PL- 91.5

District 37 Race Coordinator (all simplex)

District 37 D1 151.625 PL- 136.5

District 37 D2 154.600 CSQ

District 37 D3 154.570 CSQ

CALCORD 156.075 T6 (156.7)

MERCY AIR 155.220 T6 (156.7)

BFG Relay 151.715 CSQ

KOH 1 157.405 CSQ

RUGGED 156.675 DPL 023

King of Hammers

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